Oliveira, SuzeteMorais, Carminda2023-02-102023-02-102016-09Oliveira, S., & Morais, C. (2016). Literacy and empowerment of type 2 diabetcs elderly. 3rd World Congress of Health Research, 48(Espec Cong 1),42.0212-6567http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/22226Despite diabetes mellitus (DM) has being considered a priority chronic disease, in recent years, the prevalence is increasing worldwide. This impels to the study and intervention focus in the promotion of health literacy and empowerment of the patient, which both are capable of extensive development. The aim of this study was to analyze the capacity of self-control, the knowledge and the Quality of Life (QoL), of people with type 2 diabetes, aged 65 or older, enrolled in four Family Health Units, belonging to a Regional Grouping Center.engEmpowermentKnowledgeQuality of lifeIndividuals with type 2 diabetesElderlyLiteracy and empowerment of type 2 diabetcs elderlyconference object1578-1275