Martins, AdrianaSousa, BrunoLiberato, DáliaSantos, José DuarteLiberato, Pedro2024-06-172024-06-172024978-3-031-57649-2978-3-031-57650-8 way of Saint James is a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela that has seen great growth and tourist development in recent years. Allied to the marketing and tourism component, this pilgrimage is studied to understand what can still be done at the marketing level to promote the route and at the tourism level, as this is fundamental to support pilgrims, namely through sustainability, accommodation, and catering. In this sense, to design appropriate strategies for tourists and pilgrims, it is necessary to understand their motivations, experiences, and what makes them make this pilgrimage again, with revisiting being the focus of the study. In summary, evaluate the relationship between revisit intentions and motivations, satisfaction, and loyalty.engWay of Saint JamesSustainable tourismMotivationsRevisitSatisfactionLoyaltyPilgrimageDiversity in tourism demand and the revisiting of sustainable and pilgrimage destinations: an approach to the Ways of St. Jamesconference object10.1007/978-3-031-57650-8_19