Ferreira, JuditeVale, ZitaMorais, H.2013-06-032013-06-032011978-94-007-0092-5978-94-007-0093-2http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/1647In the context of electricity markets, transmission pricing is an important tool to achieve an efficient operation of the electricity system. The electricity market is influenced by several factors; however the transmission network management is one of the most important aspects, because the network is a natural monopoly. The transmission tariffs can help to regulate the market, for this reason transmission tariffs must follow strict criteria. This paper presents the following methods to tariff the use of transmission networks by electricity market players: Post-Stamp Method; MW-Mile Method Distribution Factors Methods; Tracing Methodology; Bialek’s Tracing Method and Locational Marginal Price. A nine bus transmission network is used to illustrate the application of the tariff methods.engElectricity marketsTransmission pricingTariffsLocational marginal priceBialekElectricity markets: transmission prices methodsbook part2013-04-1610.1007/978-94-007-0093-2_11