Metelo, Luís FranciscoCosta, PedroCunha, L.Jonhson, R.Matei, L.Gelbart, W.Obermair, J.Artner, C.Lass, P.Currie, G.Craciun, L.Niculae, D.Carmo, S.Alves, F.Botello, M.2024-11-262024-11-262015-10Metelo, L. F., Costa, P., Cunha, L., Jonhson, R., Matei, L., Gelbart, W., Obermair, J., Artner, C., Lass, P., Currie, G., Craciun, L., Niculae, D., Carmo, S., Alves, F., & Botello, M. (2015). Direct production of 99mTc-Technetium using low energy cyclotrons and radionuclidic purity: Our results so far using natMo-Molybdenum. EANM’15, 28th Annual EANM Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2015, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 42 (Suppl 1), S197–S198.1619-7070 the global crisis concerning 99mTc delivering to Nuclear Medicine Departments there isn’t yet a reliable solution. The cyclotron direct production of 99mTc, using the 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc nuclear reaction is our attempt to approach the problem, aiming to become efficient, reliable and sustainable from points of view as reducing drastically the radioactive waste being produced and becoming beneficial for all the involved parts. Between several critical factors, radionuclidic purity of cyclotron-produced 99mTc is being pointed as an issue of concern.eng99mTc-TechnetiumCyclotrons and radionuclidic puritynatMo-MolybdenumDirect production of 99mTc-Technetium using low energy cyclotrons and radionuclidic purity: our results so far using natMo-Molybdenumconference object1619-7089