Fonseca, Luís MiguelDomingues, José Pedro2017-09-282017-09-282017-09 International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM2017, 27-30 June 2017, Modena, ItalySuppliers have an increasing role in the automotive industry and Quality Management Standards (QMS) are key requirements to ensure a competent supplier network, with properly selected and qualified suppliers. By surveying IRCA registered auditors concerning ISO 9001:2015 certified organizations, this research highlights the need for the automotive industry OEM and Suppliers to properly monitor the organizational (internal and external) context and identify the key issues that affect the ability of their QMS to deliver quality products, and to plan, design, implement and control change in an effective and timely manner, within the whole supply chain.engAutomotive industryQuality Management SystemsISO 9001:2015Organizational contextChange managementImprovementPerformanceReliable and Flexible Quality Management Systems in the Automotive Industry: Monitor the Context and Change Effectivelyjournal article10.1016/j.promfg.2017.07.245