Fernandes, JoelAlbuquerque, Eduardo B.Silva, Amândio2024-12-092024-12-092024http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/26695Objective: To systematize literature on tourism and tourism in rural areas in Portugal. Methodology: Review of literature on tourism and tourism in rural areas in Portugal that leads us to the respective concepts. Results: Tourism in Portugal could reach approximately 39.5 billion euros in 2024, which will represent around 17.4% of the Gross Domestic Product. Rural and nature tourism in Portugal is a practice that values the wellbeing of visitors and promotes environmental conservation. Conclusions: Tourism in Portugal follows a trend of growth and massification and tourism in rural areas seeks to be an alternative to the aforementioned massification.engTourism concepts and rural tourism In Portugaljournal article10.9790/487X-2612025358